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Dog Bite Attorney

Andrew M. Korduba is an experienced dog bite lawyer serving you locally in Ohio. If you’ve been bitten or attacked by a dog, we would be happy to speak with you about your case and discuss your legal options. We will help you get medical treatment and receive compensation for your injuries.

Your Injuries Are Real and Together, We Can Do Something About It

Experiencing a dog bite attack can be a traumatic ordeal, affecting victims physically, emotionally, and financially. Shockingly, the majority of dog bites in the United States, totaling 4.7 million annually, go unreported, leaving victims uncompensated for their injuries. Even when cases are reported to insurance companies, victims often receive only a fraction—typically between 10-20%—of the total value of their damages because they lack proper representation. This unfortunate reality occurs frequently because many people are unaware that they can file a claim, struggle to document or prove their claim effectively, and lack the negotiation skills and legal expertise that a specialized dog bite trial attorney can provide.

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What To Do After a Dog Bite

These are the first three things you need to do immediately after a dog bite attack.

1. Get Medical Treatment Immediately

Your health is the most important thing. Be sure to get access to the best doctors and treatment right away.

2. Collect all the necessary evidence

Immediately preserve the evidence you’ll need to prove what happened to you: contact info, photos, insurance information and reports.

3. Do your homework on your legal rights. Call an attorney.

Call attorney Andrew Korduba. Discuss your case with him directly, not an intake person or paralegal.

Examples of Injuries Suffered in Dog Bite Attacks

Almost any type of injury is possible in a dog bite attack, but given that dogs tend to attack with their teeth and they tend to target the face, head, hands, arms and legs of the person being attacked, facial injuries are extremely common. Other examples of common injuries include:
  • Scaring from bites/Laceration/Cuts
  • Nerve damage to bite area
  • Crush injuries to bones
  • Infection of the bite wound or wounds (including Rabies, Capnocytophaga, Pasteurella, MRSA, Tetanus)
  • Fracture/ Broken Bones / Dislocation
  • Loss of eye(s) and/or limbs
  • Tendon damage
  • Head Trauma
  • Back Injury such as herniated discs Muscle sprains and strains
  • Puncture wounds
  • Permanent scarring
  • Disfigurement
  • Amputation/ Avulsion/ Crush
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Severe emotional distress
  • Post-traumatic stress

Children and Dog Bites

Children must be protected from dangers, especially dog bites, as they may not understand how to avoid such situations. Dog owners must be particularly vigilant, as children are vulnerable to severe and lasting injuries from dog attacks. Every dog owner must take proactive measures to prevent such incidents, as failure to do so in Ohio can lead to legal action and significant liability. Let an Ohio children and dog bite attorney protect your family in case of a dog bite.

Dog Bite Statistics for Children

  • The CDC estimates that half of all children under the age of 12 have been bitten by a dog.
  • The CDC also estimates that the odds of a child being bitten by a dog are 3.2 to 1.
  • 79 percent of fatal dog attacks involved children.
  • 77 percent of all dog bite injuries to children under 10 involve the face.
  • Children between 5 and 9 years of age face the highest incidence of dog bite attacks.

Dog Bite Attacks – What to Do in the Immediate Aftermath

Clearly, the first concern in the immediate aftermath of a dog bite attack is your medical health and safety. After that is handled, you need to do what you can to record and preserve whatever evidence is available. Specifically:
  1. Obtain immediate medical attention – This may involve going to the emergency room or even calling for an ambulance depending on the situation.
  2. Get the names of those involved, including witnesses – You will need to know who owns the dog so that you can take appropriate action after you receive treatment. Also, be sure to get the contact information of anyone that may have witnessed the attack.
  3. Take photographs – If at all possible, take photographs of your wounds before they are treated, as these could prove to be important evidence.
  4. File the report – Depending on where you live, you should file the report of the dog bite attack to your local animal control division or to your police department.
  5. Obtain the insurance information – If you are able to speak to the owner, make sure you record the insurance information if there is a policy, as any recovery will most likely work through that coverage.
  6. Contact an Ohio dog bite lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your situation. The earlier you take this step, the more likely it becomes that relevant evidence will be gathered and preserved and the stronger your position becomes from the perspective of the other side.